Artist Highlights
Leo Villareal TedX Orient Harbor
Strobe Matrix x Burning Man. Leo Villareal as a guest speaker in TedXTalks on his work STROBE MATRIX
Light and Code as a Medium in the 21st Century -
Takashi Murakami in collaboration with Louis Vuitton
The Complete Backstory of the Louis Vuitton x Murakami Collection
Carol K. Brown at NSU Art Museum: To Be as a Cloud
On view starting April 28, 2024, Carol K. Brown’s installation of circular wall reliefs overwhelms the viewer with the illusion of infinity, while a generation younger than the Minimalists, Brown knowingly toys with the modularity of Minimalist systems. Yet hers is a system that has gone haywire, in which order teeters on the edge of chaos.
Ruby Rumie: The Fall Exhibition at Alonso Garces Gallery
”The artist's work is a visual spectacle that we have seen before death.”
El Tiempo newspaper interview on Ruby Rumie: The Fall. Text in Spanish -
Nessim Bassan: Formulas of Resolution. Review by Kurt McVey
“The notion that there might be something too clinical, sterile, or architectural about the process and the final product is presented to Bassan. Are these visions simply blueprints? Rigid recipes to be followed to the most minute measurement?”
In Conversation: Artists Lesley Dill and Beth Lipman
Artists Dill and Lipman have been creating works of art centering aspects of American life and culture for decades. Dill’s exhibition Wilderness: Light Sizzles Around Me is on view at the Ulrich Museum of Art through December 2. Lipman’s Living History was installed in WAM’s Boeing Foyer in 2022. Join Dill and Lipman—artists and friends—in conversation about their work that investigates and mines specific moments in United States history and the commonalities their work unearths.
Fransisca Sutil ArtForum Review
Sutil is apparently inspired by the light and the parched space of the Atacama Desert of her native Chile, but the illumination she articulates goes beyond representing the natural: it is the perverse light generated by the friction of inner process.
—Donald Kuspit -
Adriana Marmorek's work is exhibited at "Viceversa", a collective exhibition which celebrates MAMBO'S 60th Anniversary
This exhibition arises after the in-depth analysis and contemporary review of the Museum's Collection. In this sense, Viceversa suggests alternative interpretations that challenge conventional visual narratives by adopting a "reverse" approach while proposing unusual visual and conceptual connections counterpoints.
Julie Hedrick Interview on MAD
Julie Hedrick: “Dear artists: Be brave, audacious and loving.”
Gregg Louis: No Empty Sky Interview with Yale University
Yale Radio Interview by Brainard Carey on NO EMPTY SKY solo exhibition by Louis.
Beth Lipman's work is exhibited at "Glass, art, beauty and Design", a group exhibition at The Hillwood Estate Museum and Garden
Showcase of old and new glass art fuses the contemporary with the historical, the political with the decorative, in ‘Glass: Art. Beauty. Design.’
Lesley Dill, "Wilderness: Light Sizzles Around Me". Ulrich Museum of Art
a uniquely inspired group of sculptures and two-dimensional works more than a decade in the making. The exhibition represents artist Lesley Dill’s ongoing investigation into the significant voices and personas of America’s past.
Beth Lipman, "Re-Gift". Toledo Museum of Art
ReGift is a sculptural installation created specifically for the Toledo Museum of Art. It will go on view in Gallery 18, August 12, 2023.
The Fulbright Special Program
Hugo Bastidas will be returning to Ecuador to lecture about art and his work as a Fulbright Specialist.
Contemporary Art Center of Quito, part of the Foundation of City Museums of Ecuador
The gallery is please to announce that the work of Hugo Bastidas has been included in the permanent collection of the Centro de Arte Contemporaneo de Quito, part of the Fundacion Museos de la Ciudad (Foundation of the City Museums).
53rd Guest Artist in Residence of the Toledo Museum of Art
Beth Lipman has been awarded the 53rd Artist in Residence for the Toledo Museum of Art Guest Artist Pavilion Project (GAPP).
Walden Gallery Exclusive Representation
The estate of Argentinean artist Luis Fernando Benedit (1937-2011) is now exclusively represented by Waldengallery in Buenos Aires.
Beatriz Gonzalez, Bruma. Fragmentos. Espacio de Arte y Memoria
Beatriz Gonzalez's exhibition, Mist, is at art space in Colombia, Fragmentos, Espacio de Arte y Memoria. (Fragments, Space of Art and Memory). The exhibition is organized by Fragmentos, Espacio de Arte y Memoria (Fragments, Art Space and Memory), and the Museo de Arte Nacional UNAL ( National Museum of Art) under the Ministry of Culture.
Valerie Hird: The Garden of Absolut Truths
Vermont-based and nationally acclaimed artist Valerie Hird explores the connections between cultures and their environment as a meditation on the ambiguities of our contemporary world. In her first solo exhibition at the BCA Center, Hird presents a provocative visual exploration of humanity’s shared myths
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